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26 Sep How to register Ecoheal product warranty online?
0 2023
Currently, we don't have to manually fill up warranty registration online. All warranty will be automatically recorded by the system, including the serial number.The service center will look up information based on the serial number, warranty card, and invoice number...
14 Jul Air Purifier Technology in Market vs Ecoheal
0 1600
市場空氣淨化器種類及ECOHEAL的區別?疫情教懂我們空氣的重要性,市場上零零種種的空氣淨化器,有負離子的、有靜電的、有臭氧的、有光觸媒的、有紫外線、有高溫、有HEPA的,还有其他。這裡讓大家從功能訴求了解市場上室內空氣淨化器的種類。電弧技術我們以功能诉求這樣来區分:負離子、臭氧、電漿抑菌(圖:右边及下角)。 電漿抑菌就是我們比較常聽到的靜電集成技術,這三種來講,它的技術可以統稱為電弧技術。 它的原理就是利用高壓電,產生電弧,去解離空氣中所有的氣體跟水氣。 跟我們ECOHEAL有點像,但是它最大的問題是因為它產生的電壓,是屬於在高壓的情況之下。所以它會大量解離氮氣,產生臭氧。它會產生對人體不好..
11 Jul Ecoheal Air Purifiers
3 2509
Ecoheal Air PurifierBask in the yearning and love for nature with every breath you take. Experience for yourself the freshness of the forest and its health benefits. The answer to your longing for nature, Bring the forest home with Ecoheal Photosynthetic E-tree.  The worsening outdoor air quality is..
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