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Online Talk/Lesson/Course

Brand: PreciMed
你知道什麼是幹細胞Stem Cell嗎?是不是用動物、植物或是婴儿胎盤做的?幹細胞是不是都只用在美容保養品呢?幹細胞可以用做保健及幫助健康問題?市面上很多,我们该如何選擇正確、 專業合格的?讓大家一起長知識, 一起來破解 Stem Cell的迷思, 跟上再生醫學的腳步, 或許可以幫到身邊的家人朋友們。有何神奇功效?治療、保健、預防、修復、逆齡、心臟病、 中風、關節炎、自體免疫性疾病、三高、 糖尿病、 腎病等及整體健康都沒問題的。..
Brand: MJM Global
Regenerative wellness is becoming famous in the medical industry. It works to heal, repair and regenerate the affected area of the body using its own natural ability and instinct to heal and repair itself. Although it has lots of benefits, there’s still lots of people who don't know the benefits of ..
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